Join us as we pray the Rosary, to ask for Our Lady's intercession for life! We know that Our Lady has the utmost sympathy for those women in crisis pregnancies, and we know that she can and will send graces to those who ask for them. So let's join together, virtually, to ask Our Lady
The OLS-SA Respect Life Ministry hosts a Zoom Meeting at 6:45 PM every Wednesday to pray the rosary for an end to both abortion and the coronavirus pandemic. Join us, "For where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." [Matthew 18:20]
Sign in by 6:40 PM by clicking on EM0TUtsS1g4NnpTUT09, then clicking on “join the meeting.” If you are joining us through your smart phone, you may need to supply the meeting ID and password (it's not usually required when you follow the link on your computer or tablet):
Meeting ID: 138 600 474;
Password: 736053.