The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Friday following the second Sunday after Pentecost. This year, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus falls on June 27.
Jesus revealed his Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, showing Himself with a human heart aflame with love. He told her that He would be present to those devoted to His Sacred heart and that His presence would lead to peace in families, the conversion of sinners, blessings in abundance, and perseverance to the dying.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart helps us experience Christ's presence in our hearts, in our homes, and in the Eucharist. It inspires us to love our family, be merciful toward others, and be charitable to the poor. In other words, this devotion helps us to be better disciples.
In the apparitions to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Jesus gives these twelve promises for those who are devoted to His Sacred heart:
I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
I will establish peace in their families.
I will console them in all their troubles.
They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of their death.
I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
Sinners shall find in My Heart the source of an infinite ocean of mercy.
Tepid souls shall become fervent.
Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection
I will bless the homes where an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored.
I will give to priests the power of touching the most hardened hearts.
Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be effaced.
The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months the grace of final repentence; they shall not die under my displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour.
June—the Month of the Sacred Heart
The pierced heart of Christ is the ultimate symbol of His burning love for us. When He had given everything else, finally the soldier pierced His heart. It could no longer beat, but it poured forth water and blood, symbols of its ongoing love, which we would experience in baptism and in the Eucharist, the chalice of life.
The wounded heart of Christ speaks to us of more than His great, self-giving love. It also speaks to us of the sufferings of all our sisters and brothers within whom He now suffers…When we look upon the pierced heart of Jesus, we are challenged not only with the reality of His great love which went to such great lengths for us, but by His gaping wounds all about us in his and our sisters and brothers. We hear the words, “Look upon Him whom you have pierced—for we all have pierced him by our sins—and we know we must do something now to heal His wounds…according to our means, material and spiritual, to bring comfort, healing and well-being.
~M. Basil Pennington, OCSO
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Compassionate Jesus, I remember Your loving invitation to “come to me, all who labor and are heavy-burdened and I will give you rest.” Jesus, look upon my worries, fears, needs, and doubts – and those of this broken world. I entrust to You my loved ones, both living and deceased. Enfold us all in Your love, now and evermore. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.
O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing,
I adore you, I love you and, with a lively sorrow for my sins,
I offer you this poor heart of mine.
Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you.
Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions;
give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs,
your blessings on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Within your heart I place my every care.
In every need let me come to you with humble trust saying,
Heart of Jesus, help me. Amen.