The Annual Catholic Appeal will launch on the weekend of February 15-16. Look in the mail for the Bishop’s letter inviting you to be a part of this vital work. This year’s theme, Fan the Flame of Hope! echoes the Church’s Holy Year theme, inviting us to be “Pilgrims of Hope.” Your pledge or one-time gift will help you bring that hope to our diocesan ministries.
Your gift provides programs across the diocese for individuals of all ages—from children in religious education to adults seeking a deeper understanding of the Faith.
You will be supporting our seminarians in their studies and discernment toward the priesthood as well as the men preparing to serve our diocese as deacons.
Our Catholic Social Services extend compassionate care to individuals and families facing profound challenges. You will help the Church accompany those navigating the difficulties of life.
You will help nurture the faith of our young people in campus ministries and youth programs so that they can grow in spiritual understanding, leadership, and community engagement.
Your gift sustains the excellence of our Catholic Schools through teachers’ professional development and spiritual formation.
Marriage preparation and counseling programs will be aided with your support.
Our priests and deacons will be provided programs of ongoing education and spiritual formation.
Through the Appeal the Church is able to minister to those incarcerated, the bereaved, and those needing hope and healing.
Your gift helps promote the Church’s teaching on the dignity and sanctity of all human life, through liturgical celebrations, educational programs, and community outreach.
Diocese of TrentonText
PO Box 70170
Newark, NJ 07101