The first months of the year focused our parish’s attention on the diocesan process of “Faith in Our Future.” After a number of preliminary meetings and extensive consultation within our “cohort” of five parishes, Bishop O’Connell announced his decision that our group (Cohort 6) follow the “Collaborative Model” which places the five parishes on an ongoing path of communication and cooperation so that the work of evangelization might be more effective. Bishop O'Connell also designated our parish as one of the two diocesan centers for ministry to the Haitian community.
A Successful Mission
The first event in which all five parishes collaborated was a most successful joint Mission conducted from May 8-11 by Fr. Larry Richards, a priest of the Diocese of Erie, who directs the Reason for Our Hope Foundation. Held at St. Gregory the Great Church with the assistance of the cohort parishes, the mission was attended by over 1,200 each evening.
This year marked the 100
th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady to the shepherd children of Fatima. In order to mark this event, an image of Our Lady of Fatima was placed prominently in both our churches. The centennial prayer was provided so that the faithful might avail themselves of the plenary indulgence offered by the Church for this event. The Rosary-Altar Society prayed the Rosary monthly from May through October marking each of Our Lady’s apparitions. In June, the Church of Saint Anthony was filled for a Cohort sponsored celebration, when the parish welcomed the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima (one of the four images blessed by Pope Francis to traverse the globe)
During January the parish began a process to evaluate its Day Care and PreK program housed in Mary’s Haven (the former Convent of Our Lady of Sorrows). This study was made by Future Generations Educational Service, Bloomfield, NJ with assistance by the Diocesan Office of Catholic Education. The results of the study were presented to members of the Parish School Board and Lay Trustees who recommended that the parish cease its Day Care Service and move the PreK classes of 3 and 4 year olds to the main school building. The principal aim of this move was to bring the PreK under the direct aegis of our elementary school program and diocesan curriculum and guidelines. This process was undertaken during the summer months and the PreK opened in September 2017 under new direction. The parish was especially appreciative of the past work of Mrs. Mary O’Boyle who directed the Day Care and PreK program for many years in Mary’s Haven.
In addition to the regular groups that meet for bible study and faith sharing, the parish continued its efforts to strengthen the faith of its members. Our Lenten schedule provided the traditional services of the penitential season. The Lenten Work of Charity realized over $11,000 to benefit the Nursing Program of Trenton’s Mount Carmel Guild. Our “Thoughtful Thursday” Series in the spring continued to bring in guest presenters on various theological topics. Our Marriage Ministry Committee sponsored an Evening of Recollection for Engaged and Married Couples directed by Fr. James Grogan of Nativity Parish, Fair Haven. Fr. Eugene Savarimuthu was the presenter for a Morning of Recollection for our liturgical ministers.
Emmitsburg, Washington, New York, Canada
The year 2017 was marked by pilgrimages to a number of sacred and historic sites. In April 57 parishioners travelled to Emmitsburg, Maryland to visit and pray at the tomb of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Shrine and Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at Mount Saint Mary’s University. In August, our Haitian community made their tenth pilgrimage to Canada to visit the Shrines of St. Anne, Notre Dame du Cap, St. Joseph’s Oratory in Quebec. On October 13, they travelled closer to home with a day visit to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York for the celebration of Mass and to be introduced to the Ven. Pierre Toussaint who is entombed below the high altar. The day concluded with a visit to the Ground Zero Memorial. The National Shrine in Washington, DC was the site of the diocesan pilgrimage in November and just a few weeks later, our Haitian community participated in the Shrine’s annual Haitian Pilgrimage.
Special Celebrations
In addition to the annual celebration of our patronal feasts, the parish hosted a Concert by the Campanelli Hand Bell Choir from Tallim, Estonia in (July 23) and a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on November 5. Later that month a group of interested school alumni held a Cocktail Hour Reunion at the school. This provided graduates an opportunity to view the numerous improvements made the school building.
Capital Improvements
Our Summer Project was dedicated to repairing those pavements leading to Our Lady of Sorrows Church that posed a safety hazard. Many sections of the walkways were adjusted to make them level. In addition, the steps at the sacristy entrance were realigned to eliminate a hazardous step. Some of the funds were also applied to the preparatory work necessary for the expansion of the parking area at St. Anthony Church. Noting the appearance of plaster damage at St. Anthony Church due to water infiltration, the parish authorized that a roof / building assessment be made.
2017 saw numerous changes in our pastoral staff:
On May 18 our school principal, Donald Costantino announced his intention to retire after directing our school for six years. Shortly thereafter, Monsignor Gervasio announced that he would be succeeded by Mrs. Maureen Tuohy, a faculty member who has been slated to be the school’s Vice Principal. Mrs. Tuohy’s appointment was affirmed by the parish trustees, school board and diocesan officials.
On May 20, the Most Reverend Bishop assigned to the parish one of the newly ordained transitional deacons, Rev. Mr. James Smith. A student of St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Deacon Smith carried out his diaconal ministry through the summer and on days available when he was on recess from the seminary.
The parish was pleased to announce that our Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Mariyam Francis was awarded a Master’s Degree in Religious Education from LaSalle University. She also possesses a Master’s Degree in Theology from the Gregorian University, Rome.
In July, FIAT VENTURES replaced our youth minister, Alexis Duffy with Leonidas Aliaga. He oversees the development of a middle school and high school youth ministry.
Deacon James Challender retired from active diaconal ministry in August. He continues to generously serve our parish as his time allows.
Mr. Salvatore Petro, enrolled in the formation program for the permanent diaconate, received the Rite of Candidacy on November 19, declared before Bishop O’Connell.
After completing six consecutive one year terms as parish lay trustees, (the maximum allowed in Canon Law) Michael Stewart and Joseph Novak stepped down but continue to serve on the parish finance council. Msgr. Gervasio appointed David Uhaze and Maria Ialacci to succeed them. Their first year term begins January 1, 2018.