Chè pawasyen,
Demen se jo envestiti. Kelkeswa pati politik ou oubyen tandans politik ou an nou pran akè pawòl Sen Pòl te di Timote a : « Mwen mande w se pou ou fè lapriyè demand, aksyon gras ak siplikasyon pou…. Sila yo ki genyen otorite, dekwa pou nou ka mennen yon lavi tankil, nan devosyon ak dinite. Bagay sa a bon e li agreyab nan je Bondye sovè nou an, ki vlepou tout moun sove e rive nan konesans laverite a. » (1 Tim 2 : 14)The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the norms of the U.S. Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If you have been sexually abused as a minor by anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at [email protected]. Such allegations are reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Watch for the full return address on the email. It won't be from ols-sa.org.